Did you know? Dr. Hobbs calls Three Hills home during the week and has strong ties to the community! In appreciation of the commitment to public safety and the volunteers who help victims of crime and tragedy, donations are made annually in loving memory of Paul Hobbs to the Victims Services Organization of Three Hills, Alberta on behalf of Dr. Milena Hobbs and the Three Hills Dental Clinic. Thank you for all that you do for the community!

We love you Trochu!! Three Hills Dental Clinic is proud to partner with Trochu Valley School and their Forgotten Lunch Program, ensuring all students have access to a healthy meal while at school. On behalf of Dr. Hobbs and the entire staff at Three Hills Dental Clinic thank you for allowing us to be your family’s first choice in Dental Care!


Our hygienists had the pleasure of cleaning Samson and Linus’s teeth and WOW, did they ever do well!
Great job guys! We can’t wait until we see you next time.

If you need a cleaning scheduled for your child, please call us at 403-443-2199. We’d love to see them!

So nice to see Angela today who comes all the way from Hanna to see us!

Thanks to all of our patients who come from far and wide. We love seeing you.

#weloveourpatients #itsworththedrivetothreehills #threehillsdentalclinic #drumheller #trochu #linden
#acme #beiseker #irricana #strathmore #delburne #rockyford #olds #torrington #sundre #didsbury #carbon

So happy to have Three Hills RCMP Commanding Officer, Sergeant Jaime Day, drop by the office last week to say hello !

We’re thinking he definitely has the better uniform.
#RCMP #threehillsRCMP #mountie #Canadianmountie #uniform #threehillsdentalclinic #visit #threehillsalberta

So happy to see these photos of the Chateau Three Hills residents receiving our surprise Valentine bags!
What’s love if you can’t share it?
#threehillsdental #valentinesday #surprisevalentines #dentalclinic #threehills #seniors #sharelove

There is nothing more special than the birth of a child. Together with Registered Nurse, Tara, at Kneehill Medical Clinic , we are helping support newborns and their parents in the community.

We have put together special gift packages to help promote healthy oral care. Included was a treasure trove of information about pregnancy gingivitis, care for baby’s gums, primary teeth eruption and the dangers of benzocaine. We also provided silicone baby gum brushes and a toothbrush and toothpaste for mom/dad.

If you know a new mom or dad who would love to receive this information, please reach out to us at Three Hills Dental 403-443-2199.

We want to support our town and the amazing people who make it up!

Today Dr. Milena Hobbs had the pleasure of meeting with Jody Lammle , Principal of Trochu Valley School, to share our donation toward their Forgotten Lunch Program.
This program provides healthy lunches to those children who have forgotten theirs at home. We encourage other local businesses to join in our efforts and donate to a worthy cause this holiday season.